MIND Email Signature Generator

Contact jedmiston@mindeducation.org for any questions

Employee Information

Fill out this form with your information to generate a custom MIND email signature.

Use hyphens for your separator. Example: 555-867-5309
Use hyphens for your separator. Example: 555-867-5309

Generated Signature

Copy and paste the signature into your email program. Use HTML for Hubspot signatures.


Note: You MUST use the "Copy to Clipboard" button above

Installation Instructions

How to install to Outlook, Salesforce & HubSpot


Use the Visual version for Outlook. When you paste your new signature into the Outlook signature editor, a clipboard icon will appear. Make sure you select "Keep Source Formatting" (Mac left, PC right).


Follow the Salesforce instructions in this Google Doc.


Use the HTML version of the signature for HubSpot. Sign in to HubSpot and click the dropdown icon in the top right for "Profile & Preferences".

After clicking "Edit Signature", select the "HTML" tab and paste in the copied HTML from your generated signature.